Tag Archives: central park

On this day in 2008 it was 60 degrees in NYC

Looking back at old notes I see that I thought it remarkable that it was 60 degrees on the 7th of January 2008.  I don’t know if I would make that note now; it seems more common and expected.  Guide books will tell you what the average temperatures were before global warming kicked in but what should they say now?  The averages for January in New York City going back to the 1800s is a high of 36 and a low of 23 degrees. We are in the 50s this January.

We seem to be getting one major hurricane every year — Irene in 2011 and Sandy in 2012. How long before we have 2 or even 5 major hurricanes every year?lady-pavillion

Imagine mosaic at Strawberry Fields

The Imagine mosaic is located near the entrance to Central Park at West 72nd Street.  An area of the park was renamed “Strawberry Fields” on October 9, 1985, coinciding with John Lennon’s 45th birthday.

Imagine Circle, Central Park NYC

The circular mosaic is ringed by benches shaded by mature American Elms and is a great place to rest and plan your tour. You may meet John, the (self-declared) Mayor of Strawberry Fields, as he is laying out his daily decoration of the mosaic. He talks to groups that come to the mosaic about every 10 minutes and will point out the floors of the Dakota on which Lennon and Yoko Ono lived as they are visible from the circle.