cooking – NY Walks Walking tours when you're ready Tue, 29 Sep 2015 13:20:11 +0000 en-US hourly 1 104191916 Baby New England Pie Pumpkin Sat, 22 Aug 2015 21:23:46 +0000 I love the leaves of this New England Pie Pumpkin start. The primary leaves so round and then the toothy scalloped edge of the squash leaves begin.  This variety did very well in an unirrigated 3 Sisters planting in the hot then wet summer of 2013. Recommended.NE-Pie-Pumpkin-2nds

What is Haricot Vert? Thu, 26 Jun 2014 19:48:04 +0000 Continue reading What is Haricot Vert? ]]> Haricot vert is the french name for thin, stringless green beans. Good ones are 6 to 7 inches long and thinner than a pencil. They grow on bushy plants about 18 inches tall and must be picked frequently to keep them producing.

Heirlooms-MixedTo cook them, you remove the pointy ends and steam or braise them until slightly tender. If you are in a hurry you can nuke them for about 20 seconds.  They are fine with a little salt. A traditional Greek preparation that takes advantage of the overlap with prime tomato season, is fasolakia. The beans are simmered with tomatoes and some fresh herbs like parsley and mint. You can add small potatoes to the pot too.

Fasolakia is great with Baked Ricotta.

Picking tomatoes… to grow in 2014 Sat, 25 Jan 2014 01:38:54 +0000 Continue reading Picking tomatoes… to grow in 2014 ]]> I grew about 18 varieties last year and kept records so I am sorting out what to make space for this year and I need to get some seeds started. I picked all of these on the same day and the bigger ones aren’t as ripe as they could be. The growing season in 2013 was very warm and windy early then hot into June then problematically wet into August.

Tomato-Class-of-2013I loved the green zebras on pizza, kind of tart and they popped taste wise. The brandywine is delicious but needs extra space and support. Sungold and Sweet 100s are both good producers and good with greens or in pasta salads. Juliet was a very good producer and very resiliant. A good tomato for drying. Easy to clean and roast with olive oil and rosemary also.

The Stupice (stu-pee-chay) was bland and almost plasticky in texture. Celebrity was a good resister when blight came in, eats like a smaller Beefsteak. I had cracking issues due to water and NPK issues, mostly in the bigger tomatoes. The Beeksteak was a great plant, classic and nice tomatoes, especially good for burgers or sandwiches. I grill thick slices in a little butter and salt. But again, mine were cracky on the tops and my support scheme was inadequate when the plants really got heavy with fruit.

Winter Chili Cookoff in Hudson Thu, 10 Jan 2013 14:29:06 +0000 Continue reading Winter Chili Cookoff in Hudson ]]> On February 2, 2013, Christ Church Episcopal of Hudson NY hosted a chili cookoff. Hudson is a city which takes it s chili seriously and the cookoff featured the individual variations of about 7 local chili cooks. Congrats to Wally!

Next up is brownies in April.

Location: 431 Union Street, Hudson NY 12534 (near the Courthouse)


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